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Keeping Resolutions in the New Year

How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Every January 1st, 41 percent of Americans resolve to lose weight or get in shape. (More than half have made this same resolution for five years or more!) In fact, health clubs and gyms see an increase in membership of 25% during the first week of January alone! But by January 30th, 95% of resolutions are dropped and most of us quickly go back to our old habits. What can you do to achieve your health and wellness goals this year?

Here are 5 Top Tips for turning your dreams into reality this year:

1. Do it “write.” Studies show that the simple act of writing down your intentions helps your mind and body connect and increases your chances of success. Select no more than three resolutions and write them on a piece of paper. Include specifics that you can measure (i.e. I will lose 10 pounds by March 1st; I will have no more than one glass of wine per week). Post your resolutions in a visible place — your bathroom mirror or the dashboard of your car, for example, and say them out loud to yourself each day.

2. Plan ahead. Now that you’ve created your resolutions, plan the specific actions you’ll need to take to achieve them – don’t leave it to chance! For example, if your goal is to “exercise daily,” mark your calendar with the workout classes you’ll attend. Pack your gym bag the night before, and take healthy snacks to work or in your car for pre-workout energy. As another example, if your goal is to “eat healthy meals” cook a week’s worth of soup, quinoa, vegetables, beans, etc. and pack your lunch each morning.

3. Get to the source of what’s sabotaging your efforts. Are you in a bad relationship that causes you to splurge on sweets every night? Are you stressed out at work from a demanding boss and feel too drained to exercise after work? Keep a journal and get in touch with what’s eating you. See if you can make slight changes to the way you respond to situations. Or perhaps it’s time to look for a new job or relationship! When you are able to recognize and tackle the root cause of why you eat or why you don’t exercise, it will be easier to reach your goals without turning to food for “comfort.”

4. Visualize what your life will look like when you achieve your resolutions. Start by asking yourself: What do I want and why do I want it? If you resolve to lose 20 pounds, how will this benefit you? (i.e. more energy, more confidence, longer life.) Picture how you will look – what are you wearing? A little black dress? Skinny jeans? How do you feel? Visualizing yourself as having achieved your goals will help you stay on track toward what’s truly important to you.

5. Share your resolutions with friends and family. When you tell others, your commitments become more real and you become accountable. Consider finding a “workout buddy” or invite friends over to cook and eat new healthy recipes. See two of my favorite winter recipes below!

Follow these 5 top tips and this may be the last year you make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight or get healthy!

Here’s to your success and a happy, healthy New Year!

Why Holistic Health Coaching Works

Around this time of year, you may hear people talking about dieting. However, most diets don’t take into account your “whole” life – why you crave sugar or salty foods, for example, or what other stressors may be sabotaging your efforts.

Most diets don’t include “whole” foods either; instead they suggest or offer packaged and processed meals, bars and shakes filled with sugars, salt and chemicals. Most importantly, diets are difficult to sustain—are you really going to eat packaged food or count calories or points for the rest of your life?

Holistic Health Coaching is not a diet, it’s a new way of eating and well-being that encompasses your whole life. The key to its success is something “diets” just can’t offer: one-on-one support and guidance. Working with a holistic health coach, you will:

• Understand what triggers your “emotional eating”

• Learn things about yourself that you might not realize are contributing to weight gain or low-energy.

• Develop a personal plan for achieving your goals and overcoming real obstacles

• Learn how to cook fast, easy, healthy recipes AND how to order healthfully in a restaurant)

• Detox other areas of your life so you sleep better, feel better, look better

• Learn how to read food and nutrition labels and avoid “health-zappers”

• Get support from a coach who understands you, cares about you, and can provide you customized guidance to help you address your unique challenges and keep you on track

With Holistic Health Coaching, there are no points to count, no “re-entry” into the real world, and no packaged, processed foods. Soon you’ll be in control of your food instead of your food being in control of you.

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