Guacamole Dinner
Simple, light dinner on this gorgeous spring eve. Guacamole, sliced red peppers, organic celery, multicolored cherry tomatoes, and...

Pre-Valentie's Day Fun Meal
You take a little Aidells all natural chicken and apple sausage, put a gluten free pretzel stick in it, and serve it with pan sautéed...

Step Away from MY Cauliflowers!
Step off, hubs! My two roasted cauliflowers (that you so graciously bought for me...us...at sprouts yesterday)!! I clearly, CLEARLY, have...

Roasted Whole Cauliflower
Roasted Whole Cauliflower Roasted whole cauliflower-makes a great appetizer, side dish, or even a snack. Set your oven to 425 degrees and...

Practically-Potato-Chips-Roasted Potatoes
Practically-Potato-Chips-Roasted Potatoes These roasted potatoes were practically potato chips and they were adelicious hit. I thinly...

Wedged Baked Potato
Wedged Baked Potato This is bonkers! Cut potatoes almost all the way through, drizzle with olive oil and butter (I used truffle oil and...

Potato Pancakes
Potato Pancakes Leftover mashed potatoes? No problem! Potato pancakes it is! For this recipe, I used: -21/3 leftover mashed potatoes -2...

...and that's a wrap (doesn't get any easier than this meal, appetizer, or snack idea)
My little chef serving the leftover shredded roast beef in lettuce wraps that she prepared for her sisters and herself:)...