The Trick is NOT to “Over-Treat”!
It’s the scariest time of the year, especially for anyone who fears the inevitable sugar cravings and dreaded extra pounds from Halloween indulging. Grocery stores are frightful places – you go in for your daily shopping and suddenly you are surrounded by aisles and aisles of candy corn and Fun Size ® Skittles® and M&Ms – all looking colorful and appealing, designed to weaken our resistance and lure us into Candyland and the consequences of “over-treating.”
And it’s not just us! As a mom who is fighting the “Sugar Bowl of Holidays” for over a decade, I know that the extra sugar this time of year can weaken on our kids’ immune system, wreak havoc for those with ADD/ADHD, interrupt normal sleep patterns, and promote fatigue – not to mention tooth decay.
While you may think a piece of candy here and there won’t be a big deal, consider this: a Fun Size® Snickers® has 8½ grams of sugar and 80 calories! Not so fun, huh? If you sneak a few treats from your kids’ candy bag each day and a few more at night, you could easily gain a pound a week! By the time Thanksgiving rolls around, you may be noticeably heavier, more sluggish, and more addicted to sweets than ever before.
Eating Halloween candy does not have to be inevitable this year! Here are some tricks to avoid over-treating:
1.) Be a party animal. See if your kids will host or attend a party instead of (or in addition to) trick-or-treating. Serve adorable, nutritious Halloween treats like the ones pictured here, and show your kids how fun healthy can be!
2.) Don’t make candy the star of the Halloween festivities. Encourage your kids’ excitement about costumes; plan or go to a neighborhood haunted house; carve pumpkins; decorate the yard with ghoulish delight. Consider starting the “Secret Halloween Boo” in your neighborhood print out your poem and ghost here: and enjoy surprising friends with a few small gifts or healthy treats.
3.) Eat before you start. I know kids want to begin Trick-or-Treating as soon as school lets out, but prepare a nutritious meal the day before and take 30 minutes to sit down and eat before everyone goes out. Make sure your meal includes healthy protein, fats, complex carbohydrates (such as fruit and starchy vegetables) and low starch veggies to keep kids energized and full longer. Try a quick “snackful dinner,” such as yogurt parfait (yogurt + berries + low sugar granola/nuts + drizzle of honey), deviled eggs with whole or gluten-free crackers and vegetables, tuna salad to top a cucumber boat (to make a boat, take out the seeds and some of the cucumber flesh), sliced carrots and apples with hummus or guacamole and low-salt tortilla chips.
4.) Start a new tradition. If you’re in charge of buying the candy, consider giving non-food items instead. Research shows that kids don’t think it’s lame to get a toy treat or two on Halloween. Go online now to buy bulk discount items such as glow-light bracelets (see below, 100 for $8.95), bubbles, glow-in-the-dark plastic fangs, or spider rings.
➢ Glow bracelets
➢ Plastic fangs
➢ Glow-in-the-dark fangs
➢ Glow sticks
5.) Leave your favorites at the store. If you must buy candy to give out, buy the kind that you’d never eat if it was the last sweet on earth. For me, that would be Sour Gummi Worms®. What would it be for you? Buy just enough of the candy to cover Halloweeners for the night, hours, then see Tip #6.
6.) Toss it. My clients tell me that the best – and perhaps the simplest — advice I give is to clean out your pantry and refrigerator and don’t keep any temptation in the house. You can’t eat it if it’s not there. Don’t let one night of indulgence turn into a month of candy hording. Leftover Halloween treats will hinder any healthy eating plan’s success. Better to toss the treats and be a little wasteful than to add to your own “waist fullness.”
This year, let’s not give ourselves permission to eat stuff we wouldn’t normally bring home from the store just because it’s the 31st of October. In fact, the next few months – from Halloween through Christmas – are filled with temptations that can sabotage your health, wellness and weight-loss goals. Keep fresh fruits in a bowl front and center on your kitchen counter; take a container of almonds to work; have a pitcher of water with lemon on the top shelf of your frig and cut veggies in top crisper drawer. When you want a sweet or salty snack, don’t tell yourself you “can’t” have it; instead, first drink a glass of water. Next, have some sliced fruit or crunchy vegetables or a dozen almonds. By the time you’re finished, you may not want that unhealthy treat after all.
You CAN survive Halloween without going candy crazy!
And just think ….with all this planning and preparation, you’ll be ready to conquer Thanksgiving!
Happy and Healthy Halloween-ing,
P.S. If you would like supportive, expert one-on-one support to help reach your health or weight goals, or if you would like to attend my next “Kick the Sugar Blues Workshop,” please email me today!
1 large butternut squash
1 small sweet potato
1 small onion
½ head of cauliflower, chopped
8 cups of vegetable stock
1 TBSP Olive oil
1/8 tsp sea salt
Dash of cinnamon
Dash of maple syrup
1.Preheat oven to 375ºF.
2.Peel butternut squash and sweet potato. Cut into 2” slices. (Deseed squash)
3.Place in baking dish and drizzle with half of the olive oil and salt, and a dash of cinnamon.
4.Roast in oven for about 20-25 minutes, turn slices over and continue cooking for about 20 more minutes until soft. (Also a great dish as is)
5.Sauté onions, cauliflower and sea salt in oil on medium heat until soft.
6.Add vegetable stock. Bring to a boil.
7.Add cooked butternut squash and sweet potato.
8.Cook at medium heat for 10 minutes, lower heat and continue to simmer for 10 more minutes.
9.Puree soup with immersion (hand held stick) blender.
10. Add sea salt, and cinnamon to taste
11. Swirl maple syrup into puree
12. Mix again briefly with immersion blender.
13. Serve and Enjoy!
14. For fancy serving, top with a swirl of maple syrup and sprinkle of cinnamon into each bowl.