Easy Lunchboxes Bento Boxes
I'm not sure if it's funny or geeky or just a little concerning that this delivery excites me... I purchased them HERE Here are some...

Fast Food--Our Version
Fast food. As nature intended. Healthy after-school snacks awaiting for the kiddos #healthysnacks #fruit

Sunday Prep-Day
I really do love my Sunday Prep-Day because not only do I feel good about getting prepped and organized for the upcoming week, but also...

Simple Omelet
One of my favorite go-to quick meals that the entire family loves: omelets! Organic, cage free eggs, raw milk cheese (a mix of white and...

Step Away from MY Cauliflowers!
Step off, hubs! My two roasted cauliflowers (that you so graciously bought for me...us...at sprouts yesterday)!! I clearly, CLEARLY, have...

Building a Simple and Nutritious Meal
Simply prepared veggies (steamed, roasted, grilled, sauteed) + high quality protein (such as grassfed beef, wild salmon, pasture-raised...

Easy Egg Muffins
Just made these egg muffins with sautéed onions and broccoli and shredded raw cheese (plus salt and pepper) for kids' lunch tomorrow! SO...

My Family's Natural Immune Support Routine
Helping the hubby and the girlies fight off their drainage and scratchy throats by supporting their immunity. In addition to soups,...

Homemade Bone Broth
Homemade bone broth 14 hours into the process. Look at the nice gelatin forming on the top. I typically cook it for 24 hours and...

Live in the Now
This morning in yoga class, we were encouraged to think of a word/mantra for the upcoming year. While I already have mantras that I have...